Kutipan Populer

Kata-kata Bijaksana Bahasa Inggris II

Do not blame your past, because the past will never change
Be the good, because God likes goodness
The more we are grateful, the more happiness we get.
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
Failures are your teacher. Learn from them.
he key for a happiness is when you thankful for the grace that God has given.
If you want a light in this life, you must remain to stand, because the light will be hard to find people who are always hiding among the bushes.
You must pass the bad days first to get the best day in the future.
At the end of your life’s drama, you may be regretting some opportunities that you do not take.
Choose a woman who is able to work hard and do not choose a woman who just can sue your life.
Getting up in the morning is a sign that you can achieve the goal’s life better than yesterday.
People who are not useful will have a lot of useless talk.
When you have a lot of desires, you must involve a lot of action.
If you lose be patient. If you win, stay humble.
The higher your position, the more responsibility you have.
God will never give you a problem which bigger than your ability.
Do a kindness well now.
Speak politely, then other’s will respect you.
Dreaming is the first step that you have to make. While, the act is the next step that you have to do.
No one can change the past, but everyone has a power to change the future.
If you want to get something you’ve never own, then you must do something you’ve never done before.
God’s plan is always more beautiful than our desire.
There is a moment to talk and there is a moment to be silent.
Complaining will not solve the problem. Stop complaining and act immediately!
Every Trouble is your best friend. He makes you stronger and more understanding about life.
Our life is very difficult, but there are millions of more difficult life out there.
The happiness will come when you are able to make other happy.
Do not waste today worrying about tomorrow . The Mountain feels flat when we goes to peak.
No one has the ability to do something perfect. But each person is given a lot of opportunity to do something right.
Do not mind those who are trying to bring you down. They do it because they have to be below you.
No need trying to be other people. Therefore, you are special and better than them.
Do not consider ourselves not able to before trying, learning, and practice.
The most powerful people are the people who trust and rely on God himself.
The main purpose of life was to help others. If you can do not help them, at least we do not hurt them.
All people have lots of ways to tell stories, and have a different story to tell.
Courage is not the absence of fear. Brave man is not a man who no feel afraid, but he who succeeded in the face of fear.
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

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